They also closely observe individuals, seeking hints of destructive ambitions and wasteful vices, and are skilled at destroying seditious writing and strange inventions. They crush pointless dreams, end rebellions, and trample frivolous or dangerous inventions. Order of the Rack Hellknights hate wastefulness of both though and deed. At 5th level, you gain fast healing 10 and at 9th level you gain fast healing 15 instead. These Hellknights hate and vocally condemn cultists, priests of rare religions, and followers of mystical orders.Īt 1st level, whenever you receive Fire Damage, you gain fast healing 5 for the number of rounds equal to your level in this prestige class. They are cult hunters first and foremost, but also fight to repress other philosophies they deem dangerous. Hellknights of the Order of the Pyre seek to combat outlandish faiths and beliefs, preventing them from gaining purchase in the Inner Sea region. He gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them.Īt 5th level and 9th level this bonus increases by additional +2. The order's members idealize the lifestyles and challenges of frontier settlers, no matter the displacement, indignation, or cruelty they might visit on those who were there before.Īt 1st level, a Hellknight selects a creature type from the ranger favored Enemies list. In fact, the Order of the Nail's members preach that anyone who doesn't embrace their own culture is a criminal and heathen who must be destroyed. Order of the Nail Hellknights idealize civilized societies and seek to unite all people in advancing that cultural baseline. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th and 9th level. It lasts 1 minute and grant all allies in a 30 feet radius a +1 morale bonus to AC, attack and damage rolls against chaotic enemies. To others, these Hellknights' faith is likely inexplicable - some believe the members of the order are experts in all five individual faiths or even that they are heretics.Īt 1st level you gain an aura which you can use 3 times per day. To Hellknights of the Godclaw, the cause of order is a holy mandate for which they will travel far to battle chaos in lands that know little of civilization. They know no bounds or borders in the quest for absolute order. Order of the Godclaw Hellknights enforce law with a crusader's zeal, going where they're needed most in the fight against the forces of chaos. While a Hellknight of the Gate wears Armor, he reduces the Arcane Spell failure chance by 5% at 1st level, 10% at 5th and 20% at 9th level. Sometimes this fear is true, as the order's members prefer preventing crime to punishing it and often use manipulation, information-gathering, and spying to further their agenda. Many are convinced that the Order of the Gate's Hellknights are spying on them or already know their secrets. They have reputations as mysterious, emotionless, and sometimes cruel magic-users. Order of the Gate Hellknights seek to curb and prevent lawlessness through magic and manipulation. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th and 9th level. These Hellknights keep meticulous count of the number of criminals they've brought to justice they never abandon the pursuit of a fugitive, and they believe everyone has a specific, crucial role to play in society.Īt 1st level you gain a +2 bonus to CMB and CMD.

They have reputations as relentless hunters who drag lawbreakers away in chains.

Hellknights of the Chain value social order and responsibility, seeking to root out anarchists and fugitives.